Digitally Inclined: PBS Report on Teachers' Use of Digital Media

An interesting report from PBS and Grunewald & Associates on results of thier annual survey of the use of digital media by K12 teachers. Conducted since 2002, the 2009 survey results reveal that digital media are in use among a majority of teachers, from lesson planning to instruction to professional development and communications; online access to and innovative integration of video content is increasingly popular -- as is participation in virtual professional communities and use of social networking tools. PBS sees these trends as indicative of more creative and collaborative learning environments, more effective instruction for students, and more flexible avenues for collaboration and professional development based on communities of interest.  Find the report at: or download from this site (see below).

Teaser Text: 
Teachers increasingly value media and technology....(confirming our observations!)
annual-pbs-survey-report.pdf622.41 KB