Modules Installed

This list describes the modules installed for the NSDLRC drupal site. It does NOT include modules provided by default by UCAR CISL but only modules that the NSDLRC developer-admin must maintain.  The 'Requirements' column lists required modules not included by default by UCAR CISL.  Modules are often updated.  Please make sure to keep the version and requirements information updated when necessary.


Module NameVersionDescription/PurposeRequirements
Advanced Forum
6.x-1.1Enables the look and feel of other popular forum software.

Author Pane

User Stats

Author Pane
6.x-1.1Gathers information from user related contrib modules into one template.
Calendar6.x-2.1Views plugin to display views contina dates as Calendars.  Includes several enhanging modules.

Date API

Date Timezone


Date6.x-2.2Defines CCK date/time fields and widgets.  Includes several enhanging modules. 
Dynamic Display Block (ddblock)6.x.1.0-rc6Displays dynamic content in a block.  Primary module for the homepage slideshow.
jQuery Update
Email Registration6.x-1.2For registration process without a username.  Changes the sign in/registration forum to request an email address rather than a username.
jQuery Update6.x-1.1Updates Drupal to use the latest version of jQuery. 
Messaging6.x-2.1Messaging system.  This is the base module for the Messaging Framework.  Includes several enhancing modules.
Private Messages
Notifications6.x-2.1The basic notifications framework.  Includes several enhanging modules.
Organic Groups
6.x-1.3Enable users to create and manage groups.  Includes several enhancing modules.



Private Messages
6.x-1.0-rc3Allow private messages between users.  Includes several enhancing modules.
User Stats
6.x-1.0-rc1Provides post count and other user statistics.
Vote Up Down6.x-1.0-beta6Allows adding an up/down voting widget to selected content types & comments.Voting API
Voting API6.x-2.3Provides a shared voting API for other modules. 
Workflow6.x-1.1Allows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workflows to node types.  Includes a workflow access enhancing module.