
By default, adding new events creates a URL alias as defined by pathauto.  Except for special circumstances, such as for the Annual Meeting, you DO NOT need to change the URL alias.

To add new events

  1. Go to the create a new event page
  2. Event Title: Type in the name of the event in the 'Event' field
  3. Date and Time: Add the starting and ending date and times in the 'Event Date and Time' fields.
    • The date and time defaults to the current date and time.
    • The time will display to the user so be certain to adjust the time.
    • If the event is an all day event, change the starting and ending times to reflect that.
  4. Location: Add the location of the event in the 'Location' field.  This can be a room number, a building name, or even a city.
  5. Details: Add information about the event, including a description and presenter information in the 'Details' field.
  6. Target Audience: Select the top-level audience from the list and drill down as necessary.
  7. Event Type:  Select the top-level event type from the list and drill down as necessary.
  8. File Attachement: If there is a specific file that is associated with this event, such as a handout or worksheet, you can attach it here.    You can attach as many files as needed.
  9. Groups: If your event is related to a specific group on the NSDLRC Drupal site, select that group here.
  10. Click save.