
Most content can be submitted by any site member but must be approved by an editor or admin prior to displaying on the site.

To approve content

  1. Click the Search-Edit Content link in the Editor-Admin link box at the bottom of the page
  2. Content that are pending approval will have the status 'Not Published'
    1. You can click the check box next to unpublished items and select 'Publish' from the update actions dropdown OR
    2. click the 'edit' link for that item to read it prior to approval and select 'Publish' in the publishing options at the bottom of the edit page.



The Community site uses the Advanced Forum module to replace the basic Drupal core forum module.

To create new forum containers or adjust the forum hierarchies, go to administration > content management > forums

To create new forum topics, simply navigation to the intentended forum and click the 'new topic' button at the top of the forum topics list.


Groups have been set up by the workflow module to require approval before access.  After a user has created a group, an email will be sent to the administrators for approval. 

To approve the group:

  1. click the edit tab on the top group page
  2. scroll to the workflow or new group approval section
  3. select approved as the state
  4. save the group


Menus and Navigation

Several Menus are used throughout the site.  The description field determines the mouse rollover text for the menu.  In order for the drop down aspect of the menu to work for sub-items, you must check the 'expanded' checkbox for the parent item in the menus option within the administration panel.


Primary Links

The primary links menu controls the Top-level navigation of the NSDLRC Drupal site and is visible as a tabbed navigation at the top of the page below the search box.  The Primary Links menu should contain links to the main sections of the NSDLRC website.  All top level menu items should be expended for the drop down functionality to work.  To adjust the ordering or naming of items in the Primary Links menu, go to the admin section for menus.


Secondary Links

The Secondary Links menu controls the small text-based links located below the Primary Links menu.  The Secondary Links menu should contain links to personalized pages, such as the user's profile, group list and sign-in/sign out capabilities.  To adjust the ordering or naming of items in the Secondary Links menu, go to the admin section for menus.



The Footer menu controls the links located in the footer of the page.  The footer should contain links to general areas of the site and is available across all pages and subpages on the site.  To adjust the ordering or naming of  items in the Footer menu, go to the admin section for menus.


Additional Menus

Additional menus can be created and used for special purposes. Current menus created or used for the NSDLRC site include:

  1. Annual Meeting: A special menu was created for the Annual Meeting sub-section that takes the place of the Primary Links menu. More information about this menu is available in the Annual Meeting section of this manual.
  2. Editor-admin: a special menu only visible to editors, admins, and developer roles with quick links to useful administrative areas.  This menu is at the bottom of every page.


A book is a set of pages tied together in a hierarchical sequence, perhaps with chapters, sections, subsections, and so on.  The book content type should not be used as a discussion area.  It should be used for final product, one-way style communication of information such as manuals, resource guides, FAQs, etc.  If you need a discussion area, please use a wiki or discussion forum.

Users who have permission can create a book and write, review, modify, or rearrange the pages. Many users can work together on a book -- you can allow or disallow collaboration, to whatever extent you want.


To create a book

  1. Go to the create book page.

  2. Title: Add the title of the first page in your book, which is also the name of your book.
  3. Groups: If your book is for a specific group on the NSDLRC site, select that group here.
  4. Body: This is the contents of the first page in your Book.
  5. Book Outline: Select 'Create a New Book' from the drop down list.
  6. Click save.


To add a page to a book

  1. View the parent page for your new page.
  2. Click 'Add child page' from the links at the bottom of the content area.
  3. Title: Add the title of your page.
  4. Body: Add the contents of your page.
  5. Click save.



By default, adding new events creates a URL alias as defined by pathauto.  Except for special circumstances, such as for the Annual Meeting, you DO NOT need to change the URL alias.

To add new events

  1. Go to the create a new event page
  2. Event Title: Type in the name of the event in the 'Event' field
  3. Date and Time: Add the starting and ending date and times in the 'Event Date and Time' fields.
    • The date and time defaults to the current date and time.
    • The time will display to the user so be certain to adjust the time.
    • If the event is an all day event, change the starting and ending times to reflect that.
  4. Location: Add the location of the event in the 'Location' field.  This can be a room number, a building name, or even a city.
  5. Details: Add information about the event, including a description and presenter information in the 'Details' field.
  6. Target Audience: Select the top-level audience from the list and drill down as necessary.
  7. Event Type:  Select the top-level event type from the list and drill down as necessary.
  8. File Attachement: If there is a specific file that is associated with this event, such as a handout or worksheet, you can attach it here.    You can attach as many files as needed.
  9. Groups: If your event is related to a specific group on the NSDLRC Drupal site, select that group here.
  10. Click save.


News Item

The News Item content type runs the homepage slideshow.




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