Annual Meeting

include info on how to administer content and forms for annual meetign



viewing posters, project updates, etc.

Adding Sessions and Events

By default, adding new events creates a URL alias as defined by pathauto.  For Annual Meeting specific events, you'll want to customize that URL to ensure that the Annual Meeting Theme is viewable to users that view that event as opposed to the NSDLRC Community Theme.


To add new Annual Meeting events

  1. Go to the create a new event page
  2. Event Title: Type in the name of the event in the 'Event' field
  3. Date and Time: Add the starting and ending date and times in the 'Event Date and Time' fields.
    • The date and time defaults to the current date and time.
    • The time will display to the user so be certain to adjust the time.
    • If the event is an all day event, change the starting and ending times to reflect that.
  4. Location: Add the location of the event in the 'Location' field.  This can be a room number, a building name, or even a city.
  5. Details: Add information about the event, including a description and presenter information in the 'Details' field.
  6. Target Audience: Select 'NSDL Community' as the top level term.
    • If this event is for a specific sub-community, such as 'Pathways' select that term from the secondary list.
  7.  Event Type:  Select 'Annual Meeting' as the top level term.
    • If this is a general session, such as a plenary or meal, select 'General' from the secondary list.
    • If this is a computer lab, workshop, presentation or panel, select the corresponding term from the secondary list.
  8. Click save.


We want to maintain some of the default naming conventions, which is why we save the event prior to changing the URL.


To Adjust the URL Alias

  1. While viewing the event, click the 'Edit' tab link
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you get to the 'URL path settings' section.
  3. Deselect 'Automatic alias.'
  4. Change the URL to 'annual_meeting/calendar/ID-NUM/EVENT-NAME
    • For example
      • if the default URL was: content/calendar-event/620/open-plenary-session
      • change the URL to: annual_meeting/calendar/620/open-plenary-session
  5. Click save.


Your event should now use the Annual Meeting Theme when viewing the event.


Adding and Viewing Project Updates

Project updates are defined as a new content type within the NSDL Community Drupal site.

Adding a Project Update

To add a new project update:

  1. Click on the 'Annual Meeting' tab from the homepage
  2. Click on the 'Project Updates' tab from the Annual Meeting section
  3. Click the 'submit a new project update' link on the Project Update page
  4. Fill out the information as necessary and click the 'Save' button

NOTE: You can also go directly to the project update form by typeing into the browser window.


Viewing Project Updates

To view project updates

  1. Click on the 'Annual Meeting' tab from the homepage
  2. Click on the 'Project Updates' tab from the Annual Meeting section
    1. A listing of all project updates that includes a shorten version of their activities should be displayed.
    2. To get full details on a project update, click that project's title and view that node.


Annual Meeting Menus


Top Level Menu

A special menu was created to replace the Primary Links menu specifically for the annual meeting.  This menu is called from and hardcoded into the Annual Meeting subtheme page template.  To adjust the ordering or naming of items in the Annual Meeting menu, go to the admin page for menus.

Annual Meeting Content Menu

The Annual Meeting content has been organized in a Drupal book content type in order to guarantee the navigational structure.  To adjust the ordering or naming of items in the Annual Meeting Content menu, go to the admin page for books

This menu uses a custom PHP block to display only this book's navigation on the Annual Meeting pages.  It is not recommended to change the code in the Annual Meeting Book Navigation Block.

Registration and Viewing Registered Users

Annual Meeting registration is tied to user website registration and is controlled via user profile fields.  A new user who is creating a site can immediately register for the Annual Meeting when creating a new account.  If a user created a new account without registering for the Annual Meeting, they must edit their profile to access Annual Meeting registration.

Registering Users

When a new user requests a new account, they are provided with registration information for the Annual Meeting in addition to website registration.  If a user registers for a new website account but skips Annual Meeting registration, they must edit their profile in order to register for the Annual Meeting because the meeting registration is tied to User Accounts. 

In order for a user to edit their user profile and register for the Annual Meeting they must:

  1. Log into the site
  2. Click 'My Page' in the secondary menu
  3. Click the 'Edit' tab in their User Profile
  4. Click the 'annual meeting 2009' tab
  5. Update their registration as necessary and click the 'Save' button


Viewing Registered Users

To view a list of all people who have registered for the Annual Meeting, go to the Attendee admin page.  This page is only viewable to editors, admins, and developers and includes filters to limit attendee lists by certain criteria. For example: show only attendees who have applied for travel support. 

The public view for Annual Meeting attendees does not provide viewable access to information such as travel support requests.