
Adding Users

Required for account creation:  email address (= user name)


Approving Users

When a new user has registered for the site, the admins will receive an email with the subject 'A user has edited their profile.'  This is similar to the email received when someone registers for the Annual Meeting or edits their profile in general.  The only way to know that this is a new user registration is that the username within the email will be 'Anonymous'


To approve users:

  1. Sign in to the site
  2. Click on the 'Users' link available from the Editor-Admin links at the bottom of the page
  3. On the resulting page, look for users with the status 'blocked'
  4. Edit those users and change their status to 'active' and select 'Site Member' as the role.
  5. Save the settings.


The user should now be active and be able to contribute content to the site.



Block a user

Blocking a user is necessary to eliminate bogus account registrations (obvious spam attempts). In this case, the account settings should not be changed to Active User, and, if necessary, the whole account can be deleted.