Tools: NCSThe NCore Collection System (NCS) creates and manages collections of XML metadata or XML content within a data repository such as the NSDL Data Repository. The NCS is a flexible, XML schema-driven service that provides a full-featured metadata editor, collection workflow processes, and a role-based permission system in support of distributed and collaborative collections management. The NCS can support any metadata framework defined by an XML schema. As such, the NCS supports several metadata frameworks upon installation. These include NSDL’s metadata of nsdl_dc and the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) metadata of adn (for learning objects) and dlese_anno (for annotations, comments, reviews and educational standards). NCS is currently in use at NSDL.org to manipulate collection and item metadata in the NSDL Data Repository. As a key NCore component available independently, or bundled in the EduPak digital library services platform for education, the NCS open source Web service supports metadata management and cataloging for digital libraries. |