Comments on: Beyond Penguins Podcast Series /websites/expertvoices/archives/1549 This blog is focused on helping elementary teachers become more knowledgeable about the polar regions and providing best practices on how to integrate polar concepts into their teaching. Ideas for connecting science and literacy through literature and writing, exemplary science activities, incredible pictures, tales of adventure, and stories of indigenous people and amazing animals will be part of each posting. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 04:09:24 +0000 By: sciencegeekgirl » Dr. Steph has a new podcast series! /websites/expertvoices/archives/1549#comment-1115 sciencegeekgirl » Dr. Steph has a new podcast series! Thu, 05 Feb 2009 17:02:08 +0000 /websites/expertvoices/archives/1549#comment-1115 [...] been waiting to tell y’all until it had an official website, but there is an official blog post, so maybe that’s good enough!  I’ve got a new podcast series out, and this one is my [...] […] been waiting to tell y’all until it had an official website, but there is an official blog post, so maybe that’s good enough!  I’ve got a new podcast series out, and this one is my […]

By: » Issue 11: Arctic and Antarctic Birds » Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears /websites/expertvoices/archives/1549#comment-1114 » Issue 11: Arctic and Antarctic Birds » Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Sun, 01 Feb 2009 06:07:35 +0000 /websites/expertvoices/archives/1549#comment-1114 [...] newest addition to the magazine is a monthly podcast episode. This month, join Gerrit Vyn and Martha Fischer on their Bathurst Island expedition [...] […] newest addition to the magazine is a monthly podcast episode. This month, join Gerrit Vyn and Martha Fischer on their Bathurst Island expedition […]
