Comments on: Polar News & Notes: Japan’s Whaling Expedition /websites/expertvoices/archives/1347 This blog is focused on helping elementary teachers become more knowledgeable about the polar regions and providing best practices on how to integrate polar concepts into their teaching. Ideas for connecting science and literacy through literature and writing, exemplary science activities, incredible pictures, tales of adventure, and stories of indigenous people and amazing animals will be part of each posting. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 04:09:46 +0000 By: Alicia Mia Bandera /websites/expertvoices/archives/1347#comment-926 Alicia Mia Bandera Sat, 30 Aug 2008 00:41:15 +0000 /websites/expertvoices/archives/1347#comment-926 i agree with you on that statement, Japan really is a inhumane country towards animals. When i heard about the fin soup they serve, it made me sick, cutting off the fins of sharks, then disposing their bodies back in the water, was just horrible. Whales do not need to be killed to be studied, hello take Aust for eg, we dont kill what we find interest in studying in fact we protect them...its very pathetic in my eyes....i believe they should be stoped! I am certain that Japan along with other countries can make profit without killing animals how about growing other industries rather then sticking to one which is meat market. Yours Truly Alicia x i agree with you on that statement, Japan really is a inhumane country towards animals. When i heard about the fin soup they serve, it made me sick, cutting off the fins of sharks, then disposing their bodies back in the water, was just horrible.

Whales do not need to be killed to be studied, hello take Aust for eg, we dont kill what we find interest in studying in fact we protect them…its very pathetic in my eyes….i believe they should be stoped!

I am certain that Japan along with other countries can make profit without killing animals how about growing other industries rather then sticking to one which is meat market.

Yours Truly

Alicia x

By: Louise Duncan /websites/expertvoices/archives/1347#comment-925 Louise Duncan Fri, 07 Dec 2007 08:43:36 +0000 /websites/expertvoices/archives/1347#comment-925 From what I have seen the Japanese do not respect animals, I once saw footage of SHarks being dragged out of the water by Japanese fisherman, have the fins sliced off and then chucked back into the water to die, this was for shark fin soup. I think we are being suckers to believe that this is a scientific expedition, its is purely to hunt whale meat. I dont know much about gathering data to research breeding patterns in whales but I am pretty sure that it doesnt need to end up killing these beautiful and mysterious mammels From what I have seen the Japanese do not respect animals, I once saw footage of SHarks being dragged out of the water by Japanese fisherman, have the fins sliced off and then chucked back into the water to die, this was for shark fin soup. I think we are being suckers to believe that this is a scientific expedition, its is purely to hunt whale meat. I dont know much about gathering data to research breeding patterns in whales but I am pretty sure that it doesnt need to end up killing these beautiful and mysterious mammels
