Comments on: The Covert Networks of Terrorists This is a supplemental blog for a course which will cover how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 14:25:28 +0000 By: Five exciting topics related to Networks Five exciting topics related to Networks Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:37:47 +0000 [...] and Combating Terrorism: jerseygirl15 points out the networked nature of terrorist cells. One might also argue that analyzing network structure (say within the telecommunications network [...] […] and Combating Terrorism: jerseygirl15 points out the networked nature of terrorist cells. One might also argue that analyzing network structure (say within the telecommunications network […]

By: Cornell Info 204 - Networks » Blog Archive » Five exciting blog topics Cornell Info 204 - Networks » Blog Archive » Five exciting blog topics Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:29:22 +0000 [...] and Combating Terrorism: jerseygirl15 points out the networked nature of terrorist cells.  One might also argue that analyzing network structure (say within the telecommunications network [...] […] and Combating Terrorism: jerseygirl15 points out the networked nature of terrorist cells.  One might also argue that analyzing network structure (say within the telecommunications network […]
