Comments on: Networks & the Phenomenon of “The Rich-Get-Richer” This is a supplemental blog for a course which will cover how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 14:26:45 +0000 By: speeker speeker Mon, 16 Apr 2007 19:50:33 +0000 I think this is why it's important to spread cultural norms that it is our responsibility to seek out poorly connected nodes - be they blogs, communities, individuals, academic fields... I mean, that is sort of one of the things anthropology does I think? Along with a lot of other fields of study - find what hasn't been studied a lot already. I think this is why it’s important to spread cultural norms that it is our responsibility to seek out poorly connected nodes - be they blogs, communities, individuals, academic fields… I mean, that is sort of one of the things anthropology does I think? Along with a lot of other fields of study - find what hasn’t been studied a lot already.
