Comments on: Assigning Value to Network Effects on the Web This is a supplemental blog for a course which will cover how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 14:26:16 +0000 By: speeker speeker Mon, 09 Apr 2007 18:52:18 +0000 I think the growth of newtork effects depends on issues of access - for the "value" of the worldwide digital network to continue to grow exponentially, we'll need another phase transition like you cite in the spam diagram - a new transition that will a) connect more people into the network with existing tools, b) deepen the connections of people in the network already (more people using things like twitter and mobile blogging to keep their entire lives documented online, moment by moment?) or both. I think we should be careful about connecting ourselves too deeply into the internet. The human brain needs time to think and reflect, and our societies need individuals to have that time. I'd love to be able to connect with people all over the globe at any moment, but at the same time, we have to be careful to balance connectivity with mental privacy. I think the growth of newtork effects depends on issues of access - for the “value” of the worldwide digital network to continue to grow exponentially, we’ll need another phase transition like you cite in the spam diagram - a new transition that will a) connect more people into the network with existing tools, b) deepen the connections of people in the network already (more people using things like twitter and mobile blogging to keep their entire lives documented online, moment by moment?) or both.

I think we should be careful about connecting ourselves too deeply into the internet. The human brain needs time to think and reflect, and our societies need individuals to have that time. I’d love to be able to connect with people all over the globe at any moment, but at the same time, we have to be careful to balance connectivity with mental privacy.

By: timo timo Sun, 08 Apr 2007 20:45:48 +0000 Nice post, interesting connection to spam! Nice post, interesting connection to spam!
