Comments on: Viruses Play Games This is a supplemental blog for a course which will cover how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected, and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 14:26:27 +0000 By: Cornell Info 204 Digest » Blog Archive » All-Pay Auctions, Evolutionary Game Theory and Visualizing Networks Cornell Info 204 Digest » Blog Archive » All-Pay Auctions, Evolutionary Game Theory and Visualizing Networks Sun, 11 Mar 2007 03:54:21 +0000 [...] Recent posts by peterk9286 and by sonja379 discuss applications of game theory to viruses and to animal behavior. In class we have discussed games in which the payers are people, but the theory applies to any setting in which the payoffs to those playing the game depend on their own actions and on the actions of other payers. In evolutionary biology, animals or genes are the players, and the payoffs are often taken to be fitness. A branch of game theory, called Evolutionary Game Theory, deals with the dynamics of populations in these games. John Maynard Smith formulated the concept of Evolutionarily Stable Strategies to deal with these games. [...] […] Recent posts by peterk9286 and by sonja379 discuss applications of game theory to viruses and to animal behavior. In class we have discussed games in which the payers are people, but the theory applies to any setting in which the payoffs to those playing the game depend on their own actions and on the actions of other payers. In evolutionary biology, animals or genes are the players, and the payoffs are often taken to be fitness. A branch of game theory, called Evolutionary Game Theory, deals with the dynamics of populations in these games. John Maynard Smith formulated the concept of Evolutionarily Stable Strategies to deal with these games. […]
