NSDL Highlights http://localhost/expertvoices/wordpress Highlights are information nuggets that are published at http://NSDL.org. Topics include information about new library resources, as well as stories about discoveries, events, activities and current news. Fri, 15 Feb 2013 02:07:33 +0000 http://backend.userland.com/rss092 en The Framework for the Next Generation of K-12 Science Education Standards On July 19, 2011, the National Research Council released the report: A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas  that will serve as the basis for new science education standards. The framework offers a new vision for K-12 education in science and engineering ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/364 2011 is the International Year of Forests The United Nations General Assembly declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests.  Forests are vital to the survival and well-being of people everywhere. They provide shelter for people, animal habitat and biodiversity. They are ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/523 The Science of NFL Football The National Science Foundation (NSF) has teamed up with the educational arm of NBC News, NBC Learn, and with the National Football League (NFL) to release the Science of NFL Football—an informative 10-part video series that explores the science behind American football. Made especially for students and teachers, these videos ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/522 May 13, 1908: The origin of the National Conservation Commission On May 13, 1908, a three-day Conference of Governors opened at the White House, called by President Theodore Roosevelt to consider the problems of conservation. It was attended by the governors of the states and territories, the members of the Supreme Court and the Cabinet, scientists, and various national leaders. ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/521 Earth Day 2011: April 22 Visit the Earth Day 2011 site to tap in to a variety of activities to mark the observance of Earth Day this year. Find local events and campaigns to take part in via the Take Action section. This year's Earth Day focuses on A Billion Acts of Green - personal, organizational, ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/520 Teachable moments: earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear worries … NSDL makes available a wealth of high quality resources to enrich a “teachable moment” about the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear emergency that Japan is suffering since last Friday, March 11, 2011. You can find high resolution images in the Earthquake rocks Japan resource, and maps explaining the propagation of tsunami waves in ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/518 Providing teachers resources associated with Math Common Core standards Looking for math resources related to the new Math Common Core State Standards released in June 2010? You came to the right place!  NSDL has assembled a collection of math resources from its providers and partners to create the NSDL Math Common Core collection. The collection is growing fast -- new resources are ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/514 Smooth as CILC CILC? What is it? Not silk (though it sounds the same), silt, or skulk. CILC is The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration—a non-profit providing ease-of-use access to great K-20 content in the form of engaging distance learning programs from exemplary providers. CILC services include teacher-rated videoconferencing events; professional development; ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/513 Computer Science Education Week: December 5–11 Today's students often think that computers are very recent technological advancements because computers as they know them did not exist 50 years ago.  You can challenge those ideas in a discussion about the nature and evolution of technology using a series of 12 slideshows, Lectures in the History of Computing, from our Engineering ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/511 Thanksgiving Science from the Middle School Portal… Looking for ways to amaze your family and friends at Thanksgiving dinner? quiz them on their 'turkey knowledge'? Thanks to MSP2's Exemplary Resources for Middle School Math and Science blog entry: Thanksgiving Science, you can find a variety of information and resources that can turn you into the authority in that ... http://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/expertvoices/highlights/archives/510