Archive for the 'Science' Category

Teaching Whooping Cranes to Migrate: Will It Save Them From Extinction?

Success stories in animal preservation are not very common. Since 1973 when the Endangered Species Act was passed, only 16 species of over 1,350 have been delisted. The whooping crane is not one of them, although its numbers have increased from 21 in 1941 to over 350 today. On February 22, 2009, the published […]

Posted in Topics: Birds, Climate, Conservation, Ecology, Life Science, Science

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Forensic Science Under the Microscope

According to TV’s CSI, forensic science can do no wrong. Thus, if you are a criminal, wear gloves and a hairnet, brush over footprints left in the dirt, and leave no evidence behind.
Remember the O.J. Simpson trial for the murder of Nicole Brown? It appears the police botched the evidence collection, calling the investigation into […]

Posted in Topics: Anthropology, Forensics, Life Science, Methods of Science, Nature of Science, Science

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The Science of Chocolate: Just in Time for Valentine’s Day!

What do your students know about the food of the gods, chocolate? Do they know it is extracted from a plant? Do they know where the plant occurs naturally, how it is cultivated, or processed? Do they realize the scope of the chocolate industry worldwide? What news stories relating chocolate to health are valid? Why […]

Posted in Topics: Agriculture, Ecology, Genetics, Science

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A Breakthrough in Nerve Cell Regeneration

When you conjure up an image of cells, what do you see? What do you think? You may see a snapshot of an animal tissue, perhaps with actively dividing cells. That’s understandable because, as animals ourselves, we’re aware that cells come from other cells, thus the need to undergo mitosis, or cell division, frequently.
But one […]

Posted in Topics: Cells, Evolution, Genetics, Life Science, Science

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Discover the Universe in the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)

Discover the Universe in the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009)
Are you an astronomy enthusiast? Do you have students who excitedly tell you about what they saw most recently through their own telescope? Then you are probably also aware that the Earth and Space Science content standard for grades 5-8 of the National Science Education […]

Posted in Topics: Astronomy, History of Science, Science, Space, Technology

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Individual Freedom, Public Health, and Science Literacy

It’s flu season. Have you been vaccinated? Many of us choose this option because it makes sense to us personally; we prefer to avoid illness wherever possible! Have you had your child between the ages of 6 months and 18 years immunized, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)? That question may cause […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Life Science, Personal Safety, Science

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New Year’s Resolution: Go Green!

Wind power is recognized as a clean, quiet, feasible alternative electricity source around the world. When you think of wind power, what image comes to mind? A wide expanse of undeveloped land dotted with sleek, rotating turbines? What about rooftop turbines right in the city, similar in arrangement to solar rooftop panels?
The published a […]

Posted in Topics: Conservation, Earth Science, Energy Transfer, Science, Technology

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Science or Science Fiction?

Well, it’s the holiday movie season again. And once again, there’s a sci-fi thriller sure to attract students, The Day the Earth Stood Still. This is a remake of a 1951 movie. That plot involved an alien coming to Earth to warn of nuclear war. The remake has climate change as the demise of the […]

Posted in Topics: Climate, Earth Science, Nature of Science, Science

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Space Station ‘Extreme Home Makeover’ Concluded

What is the International Space Station? How long has it been up there? Who goes up there and for how long? What do astronauts do on the space station? These are intriguing, valid questions you can pose to your students, or perhaps your students have already posed them to you. The NASA space exploration program […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Science, Space, Technology

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Your Thanksgiving Turkey Can Be a Nuisance But Trees Compensate Well

Well, it’s almost that time again. You can almost see it, smell it, taste it—that perfectly cooked, magnificent bird! How on earth could it ever be a nuisance, and what do trees have to do with anything? After all, their time will come—next month.
Back up. Where did that bird come from? More than likely it […]

Posted in Topics: Agriculture, Birds, Ecology, Environment, Health, Life Science, Science

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