Comments on: After 50 Years, Scientists Still Not Sure How DEET Works The NSDL Middle School Portal 2 project is hosting this blog to encourage teachers to use current science news as teaching opportunities. The related middle level, grades 5-8 content standards of the National Science Education Standards are included as well as ideas for turning the news event into an inquiry-based lesson. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 18:00:55 +0000 By:   Business,Science,Uncategorized | Bad Science, the book, is due out on Monday — Recycle Email   Business,Science,Uncategorized | Bad Science, the book, is due out on Monday — Recycle Email Thu, 28 Aug 2008 01:42:01 +0000 [...] After 50 Years, Scientists Still Not Sure How DEET Works By Kimberly Lightle These competing explanations on how DEET works provides a perfect example of one aspect of the nature of science – Scientific Claims are Subject to Peer Review and Replication. Researchers in labs across the world work on answering many … Connecting News with National… - [...] […] After 50 Years, Scientists Still Not Sure How DEET Works By Kimberly Lightle These competing explanations on how DEET works provides a perfect example of one aspect of the nature of science – Scientific Claims are Subject to Peer Review and Replication. Researchers in labs across the world work on answering many … Connecting News with National… - […]
