Comments on: Is ‘The Big One’ Coming? The NSDL Middle School Portal 2 project is hosting this blog to encourage teachers to use current science news as teaching opportunities. The related middle level, grades 5-8 content standards of the National Science Education Standards are included as well as ideas for turning the news event into an inquiry-based lesson. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 18:01:01 +0000 By: illustration lithospheric plates illustration lithospheric plates Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:56:30 +0000 [...] have been recently recorded in the same area. According to the article, ???such seismic activi2007/10/18/is-the-big-one-coming/Fundamentals of Geophysics - Google Books Resultby William Lowrie - 2007 - Science - 392 pages1.31 [...] […] have been recently recorded in the same area. According to the article, ???such seismic activi2007/10/18/is-the-big-one-coming/Fundamentals of Geophysics - Google Books Resultby William Lowrie - 2007 - Science - 392 pages1.31 […]
