Archive for the 'Teaching' Category

Connect the Dots (May 2008)

from Erica Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
My young children are big fans of dot-to-dot puzzles. Each page doesn’t look like much to start—just a jumbled up mess of numbered dots. But if the dots are linked in the correct order, an appealing picture appears. Reading through the May 2008 issue of the Journal of Chemical […]

Posted in Topics: High School, Science, Teaching

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Academic Extensions of Gresham’s Law (April 2008)

According to Gresham’s Law, bad money will drive out good money (1). In economics the law applies to situations where two things of different value are either perceived to have equal value or are required to be accepted as having equal value. For example, if a government requires that all coins of the same denomination […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, High School, Teaching, Technology

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Can I Get Help? Where? (April 2008)

from Laura Slocum, JCE High School Associate Editor
Over the last few months, more high school chemistry teachers than ever before have asked me these questions and I was really surprised. However, as I inquired more deeply, I began to realize that fewer of the “new” teachers (teachers in their first 1–5 years of instruction) than […]

Posted in Topics: High School, Teaching

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Now You See It–Now You Don’t (March 2008)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
“What is the average yearly rainfall for Phoenix?” A social studies assignment asked an extension question of this sort during my grade school years. The answer wasn’t in the text, so tracking down the answer required a trip to the local library, or a telephone call to the […]

Posted in Topics: High School, Teaching, Technology

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The Teaching Philosophy Statement: Purposes and Organizational Structure

by Robert J. Eierman
In a recent Chemical and Engineering News (1), more than 40% of position advertisements for new college chemistry faculty members included a request for candidates to provide a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application file. Another 20% requested a statement of teaching plans or interests. Almost all primarily undergraduate institutions […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, General, Teaching

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Streaming Chemistry, Times Two (February 2008)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
Streaming Chemistry–On the Web
“Amazing DNA. Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-DNA…” sang Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health. Collins used his talents as a guitarist and singer, along with his genetics background, to cap off his presentation at the recent National Association […]

Posted in Topics: High School, Teaching, Technology

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We’ll Make You a Better Teacher–Feb 2008

We’ll Make You a Better Teacher:
Learning from Guitar Techniques
by Thomas J. Greenbowe, Chair, ACS Division of Chemical Education
Last June our Division of Chemical Education held a strategic planning session, and I was on the committee that reviewed comments and questions submitted in response to a survey of DivCHED members. Two questions really struck me:
I have […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Teaching, Technology

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Streaming Chemistry: Chemists Celebrate Earth Day–Feb 2008

The theme for this year’s Chemists Celebrate Earth Day is Water—Streaming Chemistry. As we do every February, the JCE editorial staff has collected a broad range of articles in support of that theme. We hope this issue, and others we have done in the past, are really useful for those who are planning Earth Day […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, Science, Teaching, Technology

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