Archive for the 'General' Category

Changes in the ChemEd DL Blog

In the past the ChemEd DL blog contained mainly items from the Journal of Chemical Education. These included editorials that I wrote when I was editor of the JCE and columns written by Erica Jacobsen and Laura Slocum, the high school editors. Other items were reprinted from the JCE when we thought they would be […]

Posted in Topics: General

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JCE Classroom Activites Mature and Grow (February 2010)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
We had the opportunity to see an acquaintance’s baby a few weeks after he was born. A couple months later, we ran into the family again, and it was a shock to see how large he had grown in that time. It reminded me of the years when […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Science, Teaching

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The Constant of Change (January 2010)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
“The only constant is change” sprang to mind while reading
the draft version of the January 2010 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education (JCE). Wi-fi connection at the ready, I turned to the Internet for information about its originator. (It was apparently a popular activity this month; see […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Teaching

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Teaching Is a Privilege (December 2009)

from Laura Slocum, JCE High School Associate Editor
Recently, I have spent many hours working with seven students as they develop their own demonstrations and hands-on activities focusing on elements—the theme of this year’s National Chemistry Week (NCW)—“Chemistry—It’s Elemental!” What a special privilege this has been for me. My love of chemistry and my desire to […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, High School, Periodic Table, Teaching

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Using “A Kool Reaction from the Fine Print” in the Classroom

By Dan Toomey, Edgewood Middle School, Madison, Wisconsin
I have used “A Kool Reaction from the Fine Print” JCE Classroom Activity with my 8th grade students as guided-inquiry method in order to introduce atoms. (This activity is the one that was done in the Chemistry Comes Alive! Part 4 NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar on October 15.) We […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Middle School

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Seeing is Believing: Learning from Periodic Table Live! Videos

What can you and your students learn from videos showing reactions of the elements? A lot! The link below is to an article that describes what we learned from videos that show elements reacting with air, water, acids, and base and how what the video showed compared with textbook descriptions. Tied to this year’s National […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table, Technology

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Elements on Facebook: Support Your Favorite Element

Would your students like to use Facebook for science networking? Would you like them to? The link below goes to an article from the Journal of Chemical Education that describes the Elements on Facebook project which allows your students to support their favorite element.

This makes a great opportunity to engage students and the public in […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table, Technology

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Using Periodic Table Live! Effectively

Would you like to excite your students with an interactive periodic table that contains videos, graphing, data, and more? Here’s what it looks like.

Read about Periodic Table Live! and try it with your students! PTL! is a free resource available from the ChemEd DL at
This post contains a PDF file of an article from […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table, Technology

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Making the Most of Meetings (November 2009)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
The rush is over. No, not preparing a classroom for the onslaught of new students or tweaking curriculum. The conference rush. As I write these words, I am happy to have achieved my goal of surviving August, which included two meetings within the space of three weeks. (Cue […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School

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A Periodic Table on Your Classroom Ceiling

This links below describe a neat way for your students to do research on a particular element and display their results to your entire class. Each student constructs an icosahedron with a different kind of information about an element on each of the 20 faces. The icosahedra are then hung from the classroom ceiling in […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table

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