Comments on: Chemical Concept Inventory Access /websites/expertvoices/archives/2813 Opinions from the PI of ChemEd DL and others; news from the world of chemical education. Fri, 08 Mar 2013 17:38:11 +0000 By: jwmoore /websites/expertvoices/archives/2813#comment-1526 jwmoore Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:55:00 +0000 /websites/expertvoices/archives/2813#comment-1526 It has also been pointed out by Bill Robinson in a private communication to me that the ACS Division of Chemical Education Examinations Institute has available conceptual examinations that are secure and are expected to remain secure. Therefore there need be no concern that the Chemical Concepts Inventory might be seen by a few students. I agree with Doug Mulford that the number is not likely to be large. It has also been pointed out by Bill Robinson in a private communication to me that the ACS Division of Chemical Education Examinations Institute has available conceptual examinations that are secure and are expected to remain secure. Therefore there need be no concern that the Chemical Concepts Inventory might be seen by a few students. I agree with Doug Mulford that the number is not likely to be large.

By: Douglas Mulford /websites/expertvoices/archives/2813#comment-1525 Douglas Mulford Mon, 19 Nov 2007 19:05:32 +0000 /websites/expertvoices/archives/2813#comment-1525 As the co-author of one of the inventories (the Chemical Concepts Inventory) I wanted to add a quick comment. Bill Robinson (the other co-author) and I have had the chance to talk about this issue and we decided that as one of our major goals for the CCI was for all teachers to have easy access so that they could use the inventory in their own classes for programmatic evaluation and even more importantly to convince them that conceptual learning was not happening with traditional teaching. I just don't think that students are spending time on the JCE website such that they would find the test. Though a few may find it I think that open access serves the teachers and the chemical education community better. As the co-author of one of the inventories (the Chemical Concepts Inventory) I wanted to add a quick comment. Bill Robinson (the other co-author) and I have had the chance to talk about this issue and we decided that as one of our major goals for the CCI was for all teachers to have easy access so that they could use the inventory in their own classes for programmatic evaluation and even more importantly to convince them that conceptual learning was not happening with traditional teaching. I just don’t think that students are spending time on the JCE website such that they would find the test. Though a few may find it I think that open access serves the teachers and the chemical education community better.
