Comm Portal -> Educational Impact

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Project Impact


1) List of NSDL Awarded Projects

Awarded Projects

This NSDL resource provides a list of NSDL awarded projects. Data includes: NSF award number, Project title, Awardee Organization, State, Principal Investigator, NSDL Track, and Fiscal Year of Award. The NSF Award Number is a hyperlink. Clicking on it will lead you to the NSF fastlane site and other details such as abstract and project run dates can be found.

Core Integration was able to compile this list due to the efforts of Anita Coleman, who researched information, compiled it into relevant formats, and clarified confusing facts.

2) Project Information Resource System (PIRS)


This NSF DUE resource provides "access to updated information about awarded projects that is provided and maintained by individual principal investigators." The PIRS database is searchable by Award Identification Number, Last Name of PI, Institution Name, Keywords in Title or Abstract of Project, Keywords in Updated Project Description, NSF Program Name, Fiscal Year Awarded, Discipline, State, and Description of Curricula affected.

3) Collaboration Finder

Collaboration Finder

"The Collaboration Finder is a tool that collects specific activities that each project, funded by the NSDL program, have completed or proposed to complete. It also classifies the projects and activities along a number of useful dimensions (such as discipline, funding year, NSDL track, etc.)."

4) NSDL Comm Portal Usage Statistics

Comm Portal Usage

Usage statistics for the NSDL Communication Portal are reported here. Webalizer ( is the software used and data reported includes: monthly summaries of hits, visits, files and pages downloaded. In addition, usage by country, top referrers, exit and entry pages, the top search strings, urls, and similar other data are also reported. Data is reported both graphically (bar charts for most data and pie chart for countries) and detailed statistics for each month are available as a hyerplink. Data is available for last 12 months. Limitations: the data is not cleaned (for example, crawlers are not filtered).

5) NSDL CRS Usage Statistics

CRS Usage

Usage statistics for the NSDL Collection Registration Service are reported here. This also uses Webalizer and data is available starting Jan. 2004. For types of data please and limitations read the above description.

6) NSDL Content Usage Statistics

Content Usage

This site reports usage statistics for the site. The software used is Awstats . Data is available from 2002 onwards. Data reported includes both visits and unique visitors, visit duration, domains/countries, OS and browser used, as well as most viewed, entry and exit pages. Visits of robots are also reported as well as search engine visits, worm attacks, and http errors.

7) SiteMatch Center

Site Match

Usage statitics for NSDL from Yahoo hits are reported here. This site needs a login.
  • List compiled by Anita Coleman