EIESC meeting at JCDL 2005
Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 12:30 - 1:45 PM
Denver, CO USA
1. Attendees
Laura Bartolo (MatDL), EIESC Vice-Chair, leading the meeting
Casey Jones (Core Integration)
David Joiner (CSerd)
Holly Fait (Exploratorium)
Carol Minton Morris (Core Integration)
Liz Liddy (Syracuse)
Cathy Lowe (MatDL)
Alan Wolf (SERC)
Jim Dorward (Instructional Architect)
Mimi Recker (Instructional Architect)
Bart Palmer (Instructional Architect)
Scott Nicholson (AskNSDL)
Reagan Moore (NSDL Archive Service)
Boots Cassel (CITIDEL)
Anne Diekema (Syracuse)
Sarah Giersch (ARL)
2. Annual Meeting Plans
(Casey Jones reporting for Chris Walker)
Submit proposals or volunteer to be a reviewer for the 2005 Annual Meeting. Join the
all projects email list if you haven't to receive updates about the meeting
3. Webmetrics
(Casey Jones)
7 participating sites - CI, SDSC Archives, DLESE, SERC, CSERD, Teachers
Domain, ENC. There will be a session at the Annual Meeting on this pilot. EIESC & TSC need to decide what to do with the data at the end of the pilot study, including continuation of pilot or expansion of pilot.
4. SDSC Vocabulary Report on Grade level analysis of ENC documents
Reagan Moore (slides)
Peter Shin, Tony Fountain, and Reagan Moore prepared and presented a grade level analysis in a sample of Eisenhower National Clearinghouse documents. [Available at http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/859/]
5. NSDL WorldCat OCLC Survey
(Sarah Giersch reporting for Ron Vetter (iLumina))
The WorldCat OCLC Survey focused on making resources more discoverable by transferring MARC records to OCLC. Individual DLs can get money for submitting resources to OCLC. The question was raised: Is interest in attending a workshop on how to crosswalk records to MARC and then transfer to OCLC. Please send your comments to the EIESC list [eduimpact-members@comm.nsdl.org], Ron Vetter (vetterr@uncw.edu).
6. Evaluation Exchange Forum
(Laura Bartolo)
This is an invitation to participate. EEF was inaugurated at NSDL AM 05 for the sharing of evaluation instruments and those shared at the first EEF are in our DLIST
Evaluation clearinghouse. [Available at: http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/archive/00000609/.
No project evaluation news were reported.
7. CALL for Participation in Working Groups
(Laura Bartolo)
There is a call for the formation of small working groups as a way to
continue EIESC work throughout year as well as an opportunity to work with other projects sharing a similar interest. Please email Anita Coleman (asc at acm.org) or Laura Bartolo (lbartolo at kent.edu) by Thursday, June 30, if you would like to participate in one of the Working Groups below or another that you would like to suggest:
A. Evaluation Tutorial Workshop at NSDL Annual Meeting 2005 (deadline for
proposal is July 10)
Jim Dorward reported that with many projects there are many different needs for
B. 2006 Annual Report
Each year EIESC works with other groups on contributing to AR.
Carol Minton Morris discussed that the AR Committee looks for ways to
demonstrate impact and will disseminate the publication in print & online version
C. DLIST Evaluation Clearinghouse
D. Grade Level Vocabularies
8. CALL 2006-2008 Chair & Vice-Chair Nominations
(Laura Bartolo)
Please email Anita Coleman (asc at acm.org) or Laura Bartolo (lbartolo at kent.edu) if you want to volunteer or nominate individuals for these positions. The term starts in Jan 06 and voting will be held at Annual Meeting in November.
9. Additional Discussions for EIESC
Mimi Recker noted that it would be productive to revisit what this group is about and see where people's energies are. Liz Liddy followed up by saying that she liked the 4 questions (at start but as we went on, it seemed that the only thing that mattered was impact - is that still the most important thing?
The original 4 Questions posed by EIESC were:
- How are people using NSDL?
- How are NSDL collections growing?
- How are distributed library building and governance processes working?
- What processes are needed to answer these 3 questions?
To continuing this discussion about the focus and priorities of EIESC, please send your comments to the EIESC list [eduimpact-members@comm.nsdl.org]. We will also be in touch in late August to set a time for a Fall teleconference call leading up to the EIESC meeting at the NSDL Annual Meeting in November.