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Careers in the Social Sciences


1.) What is your major field of expertise and how did you become interested in it? 2.) What suggestions do you have for students who wish to become involved in your field of study?


Anthropology! If you enjoy learning about other cultures and think often of cultures of the past, then anthropology is for you. Anthropology consists of four different sub-fields: linguistics, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and physical anthropology. I have always been interested anthropology, specifically archaeology and physical anthropology. I could say that it all began in the fourth grade with our class viewing the science mini-series, Voyage of the Mimi. Through all of my studies, anthropology has never lost its sense of excitement and discovery - there is always something new, whether its change of venue or research. If you think you would be interested in anthropology it is best to get involved, even in high school if your school offers anthropology. If you are interested in anthropology, think of which sub-field interests you the most. Once you've decided, or even if you need help deciding, volunteer to work in a museum, visit an archaeological excavation (again, museums can help you out with that), take anatomy, or take a foreign language. I will say, that if archaeology and/or physical anthropology interests you, definitely participate in a field school and there are many that do not require you to have any experience or even to be enrolled in a college or university. Archaeology is a very tedious field and its not always the grand and glorious adventures as you see on television. With archaeology, you'll either love being in the field, or you'll hate it...and it's good to know this before you spend all your years studying it. As for classes, definitely take some anatomy, geology,biology, and statistics. It is also important to know that anthropology does involve schooling, often times and depending on your intent, into the masters and doctoral level. My main suggestion, regardless of the field you decide, is to enjoy what you are doing! Make sure that you're having fun and that you're interested in what your learning. Best of luck!

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