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Aerospace Engineering


How is it possible for space shuttles to fly in the space with know gravity?


Ryan Propulsion systems (rocket motors) makes it possible for the space shuttle to leave the earth's atmosphere and go into orbits where gravity is significantly reduced. However, there is also a little gravity in orbit, and it is usually called microgravity. Gravity actually makes it more difficult for the space shuttle to fly because as the shuttle tries to move from the ground to orbit, it is fighting the pull of gravity. If gravity was less at the ground, then we would not need such large rocket motors to launch the shuttle into orbit. The rocket motors on the shuttle must be powerful enough to accelerate the shuttle to escape velocity, which is the minimum velocity required to achieve an orbit. Once the shuttle is in orbit, then small gas jets are easily able to move the shuttle (pitch and roll maneuvers) and allow it to return to the earth's surface.

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