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Aerospace Engineering


How do you make a model of a UFO ?


Melis, This is a really good question. I think you want a model you can fly. One idea is to get a Frisbee and some silver or gold color spray paint. You may want to ask your parents or teacher for some help. Put out some newspaper on the ground outside on which you paint the Frisbee. Make sure to let the paint dry for one or two hours before turning it over to paint the bottom side. After the paint dries on both sides, you can use permanent ink markers to draw the outline of the door and windows. You can also use some Elmer's glue to attach small colored glass beads around the edges for lights and a bent-out paper clip on the top center as an antenna. One other thing: The UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, so make sure not to write numbers or letters on your model. Have fun!

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