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will we be able to travel @"hyperspace"speed like in Star Wars? greg


<P>Greg,<BR><BR>Thanks for asking this interesting question!<BR><BR>As far as we know right now, there is no way to travel faster than light.&nbsp; According to Albert Einstein, the closer an object comes to the speed of light, the more massive (heavier) it becomes and the more energy it takes to make it go faster.&nbsp; To reach the speed of light, it would take an infinite (unlimited) amount of energy, and your mass would also become infinite!&nbsp; In other words, there's not enough energy in the entire universe to speed you up to "light speed."<BR><BR>Science fiction writers have been writing about "hyperspace" or "warp speed" since the early 1900s.&nbsp; Different ways of going faster-than-light have been imagined, such as hyperspace, hyperspace, warp engines,&nbsp; and jump gates.&nbsp; All these methods involve the traveller somehow leaving one location in our universe and instantly (or quickly)&nbsp;appearing someplace far away without traveling the true distance between those points.&nbsp; This usually involves extra dimensions or universes.<BR><BR>This sounds good and makes a good story, but unfortunately, we don't know&nbsp;of anyway to do it.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I hate to say it, but I don't think we'll ever travel at warp speed like Han Solo in the <EM>Millennium Falcon...<IMG src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif" border=0><BR></EM><BR>But who knows-- maybe you'll discover a way for us to travel faster-than-light one day!<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR><BR>Dennis<BR></P> <FONT size=1>Space Travel<BR>FTL<BR>Science Fiction<BR>Hyperspace<BR>Hyperdrive</FONT>

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