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Hello: I am Jacob Hudson, a ninth grader at Centennial High School. I have a theory about black and white holes, but hove no facts to back up my theory. If it would not be too much trouble, would you please sent me information on black and white holes, niversal boundarys, and matter-antimatter? My e-mail is Thank You. Jacob Hudson


<P>Dear Jacob,<BR><BR>Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL.&nbsp; The subject of black holes is extremely interesting, and, as you probably know, there is a lot of information available. I am a science librarian and can suggest ways of finding material on this topic.</P> <P>Were you looking for resources that would contain all the concepts you listed?&nbsp; Your keywords and phrases were: "black and white holes" "universal boundaries" matter antimatter.</P> <P>A Google search, <A href="></A>, on the above keywords and phrases returned no results. I modified my search strategy just a little bit to: "black hole" white "universal boundary" matter antimatter.</P> <P>The only result I retrieved was a discussion thread on Philosophy Forums &gt; Philosophy &gt; Philosophy of Science and Math. You might find it interesting.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>Have you tried searching the National Science Digital Library (NSDL), <A href="></A>? NSDL provides a central access point to quality materials in science, technology, education and mathematics. Here are a few results that I retrieved by searching NSDL for "white hole." Most of the 49 results are advanced papers in arXive, an e-print repository. Try your own searches too.</P> <P>Mashkevich, Vladimir S. "Unboundable Spacetimes with Metric Singularities and Matching Metrics and Geodesics: A Black-White Hole and a Big Crunch-Bang," Nov. 25, 2000 in arXiv, <A href="></A>.&nbsp; You can view the abstract at the URL below. From there, link to the full text.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>Gibbs, PHilip. "A White Hole Model of the Big Bang," Mar. 4, 1998 in arxiv, <A href="></A>.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>The papers mentioned above are located in&nbsp; the Physics &gt; General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology category of E-print Archive, <A href="></A>. These articles treat the subject matter in an advanced manner. If you want to find the latest materials, click on the links for: "new" and "recent". Search the arxiv by clicking on "find."</P> <P>Two other results from my search for "white hole" in the NSDL are listed below. These are easier reading.</P> <P>"Falling into a Black Hole" - Website created by Andrew Hamilton offers movies on approaching, falling into, and collapse of black holes. The site also deals with White Holes and Wormholes. Last updated Apr. 19, 2001.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>From the above site, check out the related links, such as Ted Bunn's "Black Hole FAQ." Note the date, however, is 1995.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>Lindsay, Robert W. "Beyond the Event Horizon: An Introduction to Black Holes," Dec. 1, 1993 - This artilce is indexed in the Digital Library for Earth Science Education (DLESE) Library. Note that the date is 1993.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>You can find several responses to questions about black holes in the AskNSDL, <A href="></A>, question-answer archives. Click on "Search archives" and type "black hole."</P> <P>Good luck with your research. Please contact AskNSDL again if you desire further help with your questions.</P> <P>Regards,<BR>Joyce W.<BR></P>

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