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I noticed some pine trees growing on one side of a hill side but not on the other, why was the Northfacing side different?


My name is Lisa H. and I am your Virtual Librarian!&nbsp;<BR><BR>Let me see if I can help you. I understand that you would like to learn why some pine trees grow on one side of a hill side but not on the other; and, why the North facing side of a hill is different? I have also noticed this and been curious. The website of the National Parks <A href=" target=_BLANK></A><BR><BR>lists the commonly found trees in the park and identification information, to include their habitat and characteristics. I learned that at lower elevations, dry conditions prohibit tree growth. Different tree species dominate areas depending on elevation, precipitation, and aspect (the steepness and direction of the slope the tree is growing on ). Only evergreen trees and a few, hearty deciduous trees thrive in the harsh mountain environment, known as

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