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I saw some pine trees that only grew needles near the top, why is this?


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <DIV>thank you for your question on pine trees. &nbsp;I will provide sources appropriate for you.&nbsp; I'll make sure the links I send you are easy to find, easy to read and accurate. I will also try to make sure they aren't too long.&nbsp; &nbsp;Also remember that your local library and your school library could help you too.</DIV><BR> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><BR> <DIV>First I want to provide a source that describes a bit about how pine trees grow, but still readable, all the while being fun.&nbsp; I chose the University of Georgia's Column web page.&nbsp; There is some interesting information on what makes pine trees deformed. &nbsp;Plus there are a lot of pictures to help you get an idea of what things looked like.&nbsp; The main page is <A href="></A>. &nbsp;From here scroll down and select the article called

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