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Are most of the plants in the world healthy or unhealthy?


Hi Carla, You've asked a very difficult question! Plants species have adapted to a wide range of environmental and physical environments (think about tundra in the polar north to bacteria that can survive in boiling waters in geyers or deep sea canyons). So each species has its own unique set of requirements to be healthy. Specific needs (which vary for each species): - Adequate light - Proper nutrition - Space (whether on top of another plant, the floor of a forest, or in a parking lot) - Appropriate weather (the right amount of rain, the right temperature, and wind) - Safety from disease and predators Given all these factors -- each plant, like each human, faces a number of challenges every day. When the environment as a whole is healthy then most plants native to that environment will probably be healthy as well. The whole planet is facing some serious challenges that impact all living organisms. A recent study in England suggests that the overall planet is not very healthy. For more information about this study see -- For more information about plant life see -- For more information about the environment see -- Keep asking great questions! Susan McCarthy

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