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Why are experts doing "Lindsey's" homework for him? The questions are from a texrbook. George Curtis, Univ. of Hawaii


Hello Dr. Curtis,<BR><BR>I have sent Lindsay the response below&nbsp;to the recent questions she has sent in, and will continue to do so if she sends in more. We do attempt to help people learn how to solve a problem, not just give direct answers, but this patron has gone beyond the point of where we will be providing her more help.<BR><BR>Blythe Bennett, AskNSDL Coordinator<BR><BR><BR>Hello Lindsay,<BR><BR>You have sent in&nbsp;numerous questions that appear to be directly from your assignment sheet in class, and have received assistance on many of them. You will need to start using those answers as ways to help you answer your own future assignments. We have been generous with volunteer time in helping you with these, in the hopes that we are able to teach you how to tackle this kind of question.&nbsp;<BR><BR>Please ask your professor or teaching assistant if you have further questions,<BR><BR>AskNSDL

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