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I am a 6th grade student trying to find information for a project on the history of Academic Bowls - particularly in Texas. I have tried the internet but there was little information. Could you please help. I need to know when they started,who started them, why, how they have grown etc.As much information as possible. Thank You


Dear Abby, Thank you for sending you question to AskNSDL. I used to love watching College Bowl on T.V., and I found this information very interesting! The first place I looked was the National Science Digital Library It's a great access point to many quality resources. I typed the phrase, enclosed in quotation marks, "academic bowl", in the search box. The first time I retrieved no results so I modified my strategy and performed 2 searches on the strings, "college bowl" and "school bowl." Both searches returned 1 result that leads to useful information. Games for the Science Curriculum,, provides additional links. Scroll down the page to "Science Bowl." "College Bowl, Co.", Click on the "College Bowl" link from the main page and then look at the "Program History" tab. This page will tell you how College Bowl started in 1953 as a radio show and then went on television in 1959. The General Electric Company sponsored the new television bowl and it became known as the "GE College Bowl." Read the FAQ's and explore the contents on this site, and I think you be able to find or formulate answers to most of your questions. For more information, check out the GE College Bowl TV Show History. You can search for the team performance by state and specify Texas by using the search options. Check out the "High School Bowl" website, too! I hope this information has been helpful. Be sure to consult the librarian at your school and/or public library for more resources on this topic in print and available through their databases. Sincerely, Joyce W. AskNSDL staff

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