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Resouce:NSDL Collections

Title: Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL)

Information: The Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL) is a resource network and interactive learning community for ethnomathematics, with emphasis on the indigenous mathematics of the Pacific region. The EDL will advance our current understandings of the mathematical constructs developed by indigenous communities and identifiable groups, and foster the creation and distribution of culturally sensitive instructional and research materials that acknowledge and respect these constructs. Over the past 20 to 30 years, ethnomathematics has developed as an academic discipline to explore the interaction of mathematics and the culture in which it arises. "Ethno" can refer to indigenous societies, as well as to groups identified by profession, religious affiliation, sport, ethnicity, and so on. "Mathematics" can designate a wide range of practices, including methods of counting, measuring, and calculating; symbolic systems; geometric and spatial applications; and ways of reasoning and inferring.

Category: Mathematics

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