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Intellectual Property


Dear Sir/Madam, I'm a student, interested in science & i often try to create something new that might help the world. I had an idea which can be used to develop a new kind of generator which would be many times more efficient than any other such device that presently in use. Since this is just an idea, I want to materialize it but it is very difficult for me due to the lack of facilities. There are many people who are ready to help me but i was guessing if I should give them the details. I want to get my work patented before I give them the details. Can you please provide me with some information like "Is it possible to get an idea patented undre Indian or U.S. patent laws?"


Dear Gaurav, I'm sorry that you have not received an answer to your question yet from one of the AskNSDL experts. If you like, you can resubmit your question, and choose a different category, such as "Science," "Engineering" or "Physical Sciences" in order to reach a wider pool of experts than are registered for "Intellectual Property" questions. In the meantime, I performed a brief search on this topic and retrieved the following resource: "Who Invented This?", Intellectual Property Law Server. This is a discussion forum on the question of patenting ideas.;action=display;num=1083523687 A strong suggestion that struck me in the discussion thread is to consult a patent attorney for authoritative advice on this issue. I hope this information has been helpful. Be sure to check with the librarian at your school or public library for additional resources. Sincerely yours, The AskNSDL staff

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