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Did you enjoy math when you were in school?


Yes Alyssa, I did enjoy math throughout school ... as long as I understood or comprehended what was being taught. While in grade school, in order to be known as one of the 'smarter kids' you had to be good in math. This made it a real challenge to do well and be recognized as one of the A++ students. My parents were very influential in my ability in math, especially in the earlier or 'grade-school' years. Since they knew that "practice makes perfect", they assigned 'home' math assignments on a regular basis. In most cases these had to be completed along with my home work assignments from school before I could have 'recreation time'. This ended up paying "big dividends" in the future. While in high school there were one or two math classes that I ended up "breezing" through in spite of the fact that I didn't really understand the material like I should have. Ironically, these were the classes where the teacher(s) did not have much control over the class and it was less 'cool' to be recognized as a 'nerd' or 'braniac'. Suffice it to say, I ended up paying the cost for this 'mediocrity' in my struggles through college math courses.

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