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Farmers have discovered that the more domestic chickens peck at objects placed in their environment, the healthier and more productive the chickens seem to be. White string has been found to be a particularly attractive pecking stimulus. In one experiment, 72 chickens were exposed to a string stimulus. Instead of white string, blue colored string was used. The number of pecks each chicken took at the blue string over a specified time interval was recorded. Summary statistics for the 72 chickens were: x bar = 1.13 pecks, s = 2.21 pecks. (Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Oct. 2000.) a. Estimate the population mean number of pecks made by chickens pecking at blue string using a 99% confidence interval. Interpret the result. b. Previous research has shown that μ = 7.5 pecks if the chickens are exposed to white string. Based on the results in part a, is there evidence that chickens are more apt to peck at white string than blue string? Explain.


Dear Farrah, Thank you for sending your questions to AskNSDL. As one expert remarked, you have sent a "flurry" of statistics questions recently. Have you consulted the Mathematics/Statistics resources on this website? From the AskNSDL Homepage,, click on the Mathematics category and check out the resources. Also, click on "Statistics" specifically. Here are a few websites that may be helpful. Eric Weissteins World of Mathematics, On the left hand side of the page, click on "Alphabetical Index," select "S", and scroll to the various Statistics headings, such as Statistical Distibution, Dispersion, and Tests, among others. The Math Forum @ Drexel,, is another good website for help with Statistics. Click on "Internet Math Library" and then "Probability/Statistics". Please also refer to Joseph McCollum's previous answers on this website. You can find these by searching the archives. Select "statistics" from the drop down menu. If you don't enter any key words in the search box, you'll retrieve 4 archives Q&A's. Farrah, please review our "Tips for Students",, regarding how to use the AskNSDL service and AskNSDL's Policies regarding "Abuse of Services." AskNSDL experts are scientists and mathematicians who voluntarily answer questions. Although they are willing to help, they will not do homework for students; thus, repeated questions of a similar nature are inappropriate. Be sure to check with the librarian at your school for more help finding resources in statistics. Good luck with your assignments! Sincerley, Joyce AskNSDL Administrator

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