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Number theory


It is said that the number seven is considered magical. There are examples of this all around the world. Can you please name as many examples of this that you can think of. Example: Seven wonders in the world.


Hi Chelsea, I'm not an expert on numerology, but I found a book that might begin to answer your question. It's called "The Mystery of Numbers," by Annemarie Schimmel. In the book, the author has compiled many examples of the importance of 7 in various religions and cultures. A few of them are the 7 days of the week (based on the Judeo-Christian story that the universe was created in 7 days), the 7 pillars of wisdom, the 7 stages of man. In ancient Greece, the number 7 was connected to Apollo and Athena. According to the book, many, many cultures place particular significance on the number 7. I hope you are able to find the book in your library. Enjoy your research!

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