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Careers in Mathematics


how much math do i need to no if i want a career in a reaturant buisness


Robbie, It depends on the specific career that you want. Generally, you will be best off in adult life if you are really comfortable - not struggling - with the basics of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages). For low end (and low pay) restraunt careers, such as dishwasher or waiting tables nothing more is needed. For a restraunt manager or head chef position, you'll be better off knowing algebra. Even if you don't use formal algebra symbols, you'll use the problem solving techniques in planning and running the business. Geometry can also be useful in planning kitchen, dish and dining room layouts, but won't be used often. If you want to rise even further to manage a chain of restraunts, there wouldn't be much more math needed. What would be needed is the ability to be a disciplined thinker, and the higher maths are one of the best ways available in school for learning discplined thinking. Glenn Berry, MIT-APO

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