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A sheet of paper 4 inches wide by 8 inches high is folded so that the bottom right corner of the sheet lies on the left hand edge of the sheet no more than 4 inches above the bottom of the sheet. The paper is creased, forming a crease from the bottom to the right edge. Find the length L, of the crease and how to fold the paper so that L is a minimum.


Draw a diagram of the folded sheet. On your diagram, label the following points: Point A - Bottom left corner of the sheet; Point B - Point where the crease begins along the bottom edge; Point C - Point where the bottom right corner meets the left edge; Point D - Point where the crease ends along the right edge; Point E - Point along the left edge on horizontal line intersecting Point D; For Triangle A-B-C: Label the distance from A to B as d; Label the distance from A to C as h; Label the distance from B to C as x; For Triangle C-D-E: The distance from D to E is 4; Label the distance from C to E as a; Label the distance from C to D as y; The length of the crease is the distance from Point B to Point D. Label this distance as z. Triangle A-B-C is similar to Triangle C-D-E (their angles are equal). y/x = a/d a = (y^2 - 16)^0.5 d = 4 - x Substituting for a and d: y/x = (y^2 - 16)^0.5 / (4 - x) Through algebra, you can reduce this equation to: x^2 + y^2 = (x)(y^2) / 2 Noting that x^2 + y^2 = z^2, you can express z^2 entirely as a function of x: z^2 = (x^3)/(x - 2) To find the minimum value of z, you find the value of x that minimizes z^2, which is found by differentiating the above equation with respect to x and setting the derivative equal to 0: (3) (x^2) (x - 2) - (x^3) (1) = 0 (2) (x^3) = (6) (x^2) x = 3 This is the value of x that minimizes z^2. Plugging x = 3 into the equation for z^2: z^2 = (3^3)/(3 - 2) = 27 The minimum value of z is found by taking the square root of 27 = 5.196... inches Since d = 4 - x, d = 1 inch You fold the paper so the crease starts 1 inch to the right of the bottom left corner.

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