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why do drugs make your dreams more vivid?


<EM>Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung and other 20th century dream theorists devoted their life work to understanding the vital process of dreams. Research and theory in this field points to the psychological meaning of dream content. An external stimulus affects not only the substance of the dream but its vividness. <BR><BR>To answer your question, I selected Dogpile at </EM><A href=http//" target=_BLANK><EM>http//</EM></A><EM> as a search engine and used the terms- vivid dreams- at the site I chose-cause of vivid dreaming. <BR><BR></EM><A href=" target=_BLANK><EM></EM></A><EM> <BR>This is a FAQ (frequently asked questions ) site and has some good information about dreams in general. Scroll to Section1.5 Do substances like drugs, herbs, and foods affect dreams? Comprehensive lists of substances that affect dreams are identified with an explanation on how they work <BR><BR><BR></EM><A href=" target=_BLANK><EM></EM></A><EM> <BR>Lucid dreaming is another type of dream and is explained at this FAQ site. First select

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