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what are vlsi latest projects,from which a beginner can utilise them and impress the companies for jobs?


Dear Donthisaivijayraj, Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. Here are two resources that an AskNSDL expert suggested you look at as a beginner. "Principles of VLSI Design - Basics", Sept. 6 2000, UMBC, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. There are 26 slides outlining VLSI Design, apparently for course #CMPE 414. However, they are nearly 4 years old now and show no signs of having been updated. "VLSI Basics" by Alex Paikin, National Semiconductor, April 2003 - This is a more recent overview of VLSI Basics. Check out the references at the bottom of the page. You may be able to locate the books by Ravi Shanhar ("CLSI and Computer Architecture") and Norman G. Einspruch ("VLSI Handbook") in your academic library or order them from a bookseller. The following three web references also come from the article by Alex Paikin. Intel. - Typing the terms - vlsi projects - in the search box returns 35 results. Institute for Microelectronics - Typing the term, vlsi, in the search box brings back 16 results: Research (2 pages), Home (6 pages), Publications (1 page) - You'll find information here by searching on "vlsi" as well. The National Science Digital Library has may resources in its collections that may be of interest. Go to the NSDL site and use the search function to find resources on "VLSI." For each one, there is a short summary description so that you can browse to find what is most useful to you. I hope this information will be helpful. Good luck with your research and finding a job! If you have other questions, please contact AskNSDL or check with the librarian at your school or public library. Sincerely, Joyce W., Librarian The AskNSDL staff

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