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Integrating technology in the classroom


How do teachers use technology in their classrooms the most?


Dear Robert, Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. I apologize for the length of time you had to wait for a response. I was hoping that one of the AskNSDL experts would be able to answer this question. You could try selecting a different category for your question, such as "Education" or "Technology," and resubmit it. For the present, I recommend the AskNSDL resources indexed under "Integrating technology in the classroom." To do this, go to the AskNSDL Homepage, Click on "Technology." Then click on "Integrating Technology in the Classroom." Several Web sites that may be useful to you are: The Educator's Reference Desk - This service provides links to resources and a question-answer archive. The following response from the ERD archive may help guide your research. "Integrating Technology" - June 2002 The Gateway to Educational Materials - Integrating Technology in the Classroom. There are numerous resources listed in this directory, which provides brief descriptions of each. Michigan Teacher Network - Educational Technology - Use the links on the left hand side of the page to find specific information. I hope this information will be helpful to you. It is a broad topic. Specific resources that are discipline/grade specific, such as Science education (Middle school), may be worth exploring, too. Be sure to check with the librarian in your school or public library. He/she may be able to guide you to materials in print and subscription databases that will be useful. Sincerely, Joyce W. The AskNSDL staff

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