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Educational technology


sir , i am an engineering student who wnted to make a project on system which depending upon user chose(depending upon otion available) able to provide user to to to person using tje language in which he/she is fluent independent of the language of the person other side. kindliy, suggest me how shouldi proceed, what sources will i require ? what will be approx. cost and is it easible or not?


Dear jitendra,<BR><BR>Your project sounds basically like a software integration project.<BR><BR>There are a number of free language translators (try "online translation" in google) out there.<BR><BR>Your challenge is to find some that translate, say between English and another language -- they come in pairs like English-Spanish, English-French etc. and hook them up to each other.<BR><BR>You might be able to do a no-cost (for translation software) project by finding the software packages' online interfaces, and writing local code to capture translated results off of the web page and display it on your own web page.<BR><BR>Start by drawing yourself a block diagram of the different user-input, user-output (for two users, one at each end in his/her language) and translation blocks that you need. Then find the translation blocks as websites, and write the user-input and user-output and translation input/output blocks yourself, for example in VB or javascript.<BR><BR>Good luck!<BR><BR>&nbsp;- Tom Harris (

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