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Educational technology


what is knowledge management? What technology does it need?


<P>Greetings!</P> <P>Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. I apology for the delay. It appears that none of our specialists were unable to respond to your question. They are all volunteers and schedules are very busy.</P> <P>I am a librarian and searched the NSDL, <A href="></A>, for resources that would provide information on this topic. I typed the following phrase in the search box (be sure to include quotation marks around the phrase): "knowledge management".</P> <P>There were over 250 results.&nbsp; I've listed a few of them below. These articles provide definitions, overviews and tools of knowledge management.</P> <P>* Koenig, Michael and Ponzi, Leonard J. "Knowledge management: another management fad?" <U>Information Research</U>, Vol. 8 No. 1, October 2002. Accessed 25 May 2005. <A href="></A>.<BR>A Professor and a Doctoral Candidate at Long Island University examine this concept promises to&nbsp;endure. At the outset (Introduction), they define knowledge management. I've pasted an excerpt below. Please consult the full article (free on the Web.)</P> <P>"The concept has been defined broadly with a number of definitions being touted. For example, Ponelis and Fair-Wessels (1998) assert that knowledge management is a new dimension of strategic information management. Davenport and Prusak (1998) claim that knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge. Skyrme (1997) suggests that knowledge management is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge along with its associated processes of creating, gathering, organizing, diffusing, using, and exploiting that knowledge."</P> <P>* de Carvallio, Rodrigo Baroni and Ferreira, Marta Anaujo Tavares. " Using information technology to support knowledge conversion process." <U>Information Research</U>, Vol. 7 No. 1, October 2001. Accessed 25 May 2005. <A href="></A><BR>Article focuses more on the technological tools of knowledge management.</P> <P>* "knowledge management." Updated May 13, 2003. This article provides a concise overview of the concept. I thought that the table of major process - gathering, organizing, refining and disseminating - and their activities was very helpful. There are also links to related readings at the bottom of the page. (The second link to IBM's knowledge management products is dead.)<BR><A href=,290660,sid4_gci212449,00.html">,290660,sid4_gci212449,00.html</A></P> <P>I hope this information is helpful. This is a broad subject, and innovations in knowledge managment seem to quickly arise on the frontiers of&nbsp;educational technology. Your library is a good place to go for more resources.</P> <P>If you still want an answer from one of our experts, please feel free to resubmit your question. I would suggest you change the category from "Educational Technology" to "Technology" in order to contact more experts. Once again, I'm sorry for the delay.</P> <P>Best wishes,<BR>Joyce W.<BR>AskNSDL staff</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P>,290660,sid4_gci212449,00.html knowledge management

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