Ask NSDL Archive

Ask NSDL Archive |



How to Contribute


Hello, I would like to contribute my resources for NSDL. I have validated my OAI data provider and registered a collection for NSDL by using the NSDL collection level metadata submission form. However, I don't see my collection showing up. What would my collection show up at your collection list on the NSDL site? Thank you


Hanna: Yes, we got your registration form, but when we went to your site it was a blank page with "Under construction" and three links, presumably to your data. It seemed to us that you were not ready to have a collection record linked to this site. Frankly, most collections spend considerable effort making their sites friendly and welcoming, and I'd suggest you spend some time considering what you want a first time visitor to your site to see, assuming that you want them to come back. If you have further questions, or wish to tell us that you're ready to have your site and data in the NSDL please contact the Production team at Regards, Diane I. Hillmann Director of Library Services and Operations NSDL

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