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Substance Abuse


What is the percentage of teenagers drink alcohol in the United States? What happens if they drink too much? Thank you! If you have questions, contact my teacher at


Hello, Thank you for sending your research question. I selected Google at as a search engine and used the terms – teenage drinking percentage US; teenage drinking--and then explored within the results of the search. Here are some of the choices that I found: This is a site especially for kids about alcohol use. Explore this site (and its links ) created especially for teens about alcohol. alcohol.html For information on binge drinking, check out this article. issue.tmpl?articleid=03040215231486 This site includes some statistics that might interest you.,1056,1807,00.html You can check out the statistics for the entire U.S. as well as each state from the links on this site. You can also use the links to compare the statistics between two different places! Here is another informative site about what happens when teens drink too much. This brief site gives good information about the results of teenage drinking. alco4138.html You might also visit your school or local library to find more useful information in print. You might find information in books about alcohol, drinking and teenagers. As you explore these resources I think that you'll find the answers to your questions. Have fun exploring! Diane L., Librarian Virtual Reference Desk According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, " By the time they reach the eighth grade, nearly 50 percent of adolescents have had at least one drink, and over 20 percent report having been "drunk". There are additional statistics along with information on the consequences of underage drinking here:

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