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Substance Abuse


What drug usually get abused by humans.


The following URL will link you to a list of commonly abused drugs. The list was compiled by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. You should note that along the right side of the web page is a list called Common Drugs of Abuse. Alcohol is at the top of the list. People don't always think of alcohol as a drug, but it is probably one of the most commonly abused drugs. Here's another good web site: Here's an interesting article from the Detroit, Michigan newspaper. It is dated from 2002. The President's Drug Czar says that studies indicate that marijuana is the most abused drug. Hope these websites help you. Another good place to go is your school or public library. The librarian can direct you to books on drug abuse and can also help you find current magazine and journal articles on drug abuse. Thank you for submitting your question to Ask NSDL. Melodye C. Librarian

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