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can a patient with 100 fever(common fever,due to tiredness etc..)take bath ,please reply me thanks a lot.


Dear Usman, Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL. AskNSDL does not offer opinions on medical topics (see "About AskNSDL",; however, I can suggest several resources that provide reliable information on how to care for yourself when you have a fever. MedlinePlus,, the U.S. National Library of Medicine's consumer health information website, indexes material on many health topics. Click the link for "Health Topics," choose the letter, "F," and then scroll down the page to "Fever." The first article listed under "Treatment" may help. "Home Treatment of Fever" from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Here is another good article I found through a Google search. "Fever: Home Care and Treatment" - If you're interested, you can jump to other sections of the article, such as a "definition." There are many other quality health resources listed in the Health category of this website. From the homepage,, click on "Health" and browse the websites listed. Please be sure to contact your health care provider to discuss your concerns and obtain specific advice for your own situation. The librarian at your school and/or public library may also be able to direct you to further resources that they have available in print or electronically. Sincerely, Joyce W. AskNSDL

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