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My cat ate a little bit of my carnation flower and the green leaves given with the carnations, is this dangerous ?


Dear Claudia,<BR><BR>Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL.&nbsp; I&nbsp; see that you asked your question yesterday so I hope your cat is feeling alright this morning.&nbsp;If not,&nbsp; please check with your veterinarian. That's the best thing to do whenever you're concerned&nbsp;about your pet's health.&nbsp;<BR><BR>I used Google, <A href="></A>, to search the Internet for information on this string of terms:&nbsp;cat poisonous plant pet.<BR><BR>"Plants Which Are Potentially Poisonous" (Cats) by Jennifer Prince, DVM.&nbsp;&nbsp;This article on; includes carnations&nbsp;in its list of plants that &nbsp;are potentially poisonous to cats; however, it's not clear to me whether or not&nbsp;they mean the ornamental florist's carnation (as in bouquets or a boutonniere) or the type of carnation that&nbsp; grows outside as a&nbsp;perennial garden plant.<BR><A href=;cat=1418&amp;articleid=1552">;cat=1418&amp;articleid=1552</A><BR><BR>The Arizona&nbsp;Poison and Drug Information Center also&nbsp;mentions carnation as a plant which&nbsp;can be harmful to pets, plus it gives suggestions for&nbsp;preventing&nbsp;pet poisoning.<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>"First Aid: Poisoning in Pets" : Dr. Dan discusses steps you can take if you suspect your pet has been poisoned.<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>Finally, I&nbsp;checked the American Society for the Prevention of Cruely to Animals website which has a "List of Toxic Plants." They do&nbsp;<U><STRONG>not </STRONG></U>include the carnation as a toxic plant. So,&nbsp;once again,&nbsp;it's best to check with your veterinarian if you're not sure.<BR><A href=;url=../toxicplants/M01947.htm">;url=../toxicplants/M01947.htm</A><BR><BR>Pets can get into so many things&nbsp;so it's good to know which ones&nbsp;can be harmful. &nbsp;One of my cats, Eddie, &nbsp;loved wrapping paper (he would lick it) and&nbsp;string. I had to keep that away from him!<BR><BR>Claudia, please check with your veterinarian if you still need help with this question. Also, remember that your local library is a good place for materials on poisonous plants and pet care.<BR><BR>Have a nice day.&nbsp;<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>Joyce W.<BR>AskNSDL staff<BR><BR>&nbsp; pets<BR>cats<BR>carnation<BR>poisonous plants<BR>toxic plants

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