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is there a relationship between eating breakfast and school performance. hi, i am asking this because i have to do a science fair project for my whole 3rd quarter grade.i looked it up already and i came to this:(aloha,mijo,thanks for asking such a practical question about nutrition.yes,there is a very big relationship between breakfast and school performance.i like to think of it as not putting fuel in a car or snowmobile and then trying to start it....doesn't work or doesn't work very long.your body is the same way.the food you eat for breakfast is as important as gas or probably haven't eaten anything for 7-10 hours,and readily available body storesones of energyaren't very high.your body mechanisims to provide you with the energy, but the most direct route would be from the food you eat at breakfast.therehas actually been a lot of scientific research done in this area. almost all of the studies shw quite clearly that breakfast helps improve school performance, regardless of the subject. one final comment: it really doesn't matter much what you eat for breakfast,as long as its chosen from a variety of nutrtiuos just depends on what your used to and what tastes good to you.)i just want to know,is there any more information on this topic? Alyssia


<DIV>Hi Alyssia,</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Using Google and the search string

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